Zupp Property Group (‘ZPG’) is pleased to pay a Leasing Referral Fee (‘Fee’) for bona fide introductions to parties who become tenants in our buildings. The Fee is subject to the following terms and conditions:
- These Terms and Conditions including the Fee amount may change from time to time. Amendments will be published on our website: www.zuppproperty.com.au.
- The Fee as at 1 January 2018 is, subject to condition 3, AUD10,000 (exclusive of GST if applicable).
- The Fee applies to the successful leasing of vacant space in any ZPG building of over 100 m2. Areas smaller than 100m2 will attract a Fee of $2,500 (exclusive of GST if applicable).
- The referred party must not be already dealing with ZPG and cannot be a party for which a commission payment is legally payable to any other party in the event of a successful transaction (for example, real estate agent, tenant representative or another pre-existing referee).
- To register a referral, the referee must complete the confidential Lease Referral Fee tab on the ZPG website. Information required includes: referee’s name and contact details; referred party’s name, company, contact details; and details of their accommodation requirements.
- Referees must advise the referred party and any other interested and relevant persons as may be required by law of the Fee arrangements (including the entitlement of the referee to payment of the Fee) before the referee sends their referral registration.
- Upon receipt by ZPG, an email will be sent to you within 2 business days. This email will confirm whether ZPG is in current discussions with the referred party or not and whether ZPG is prepared to pursue the referred party as a prospective tenant.
- To ensure transparency and probity, ZPG will request that you have the referred party contact a nominated ZPG team member who will confirm all relevant details including your nomination as referee. After that contact is made, a further email will be sent to you confirming your referee status in relation to that prospect.
- The Fee will be paid where a binding lease is entered into within 6 months of the initial registration and all leasing pre-conditions are met (namely, execution of formal lease documentation, payment by tenant of required security deposits, provision of guarantees and bonds, evidence of insurance cover, etc).
- Prior to payment of the Fee, ZPG may require additional information from the referee to ensure correct payment. The Fee may be subject to taxation in the hands of the recipient or may be subject to FBT, withholding tax or PAYG deductions. The precise information requirements will depend on the referee’s taxation position.
- ZPG is not under any obligation to keep referees informed of tenancy discussions or progress – but ZPG will advise the referee if the transaction is successfully concluded, whereupon the Fee will be payable in accordance with condition 9. We will also endeavour to advise you by email where tenancy discussions have been absolutely terminated.
- It is the responsibility of the referee and the referee must notify any employer or party to whom the referee is required to account as to their entitlement to payment of the Fee.
- If successful referees are unable to accept the Fee for legal, ethical or commercial reasons, ZPG would still like to show its appreciation. In such circumstances, ZPG would be pleased to direct the Fee towards the referee’s preferred registered charity or social club, with due recognition being provided.
- These terms and conditions may be changed and the referral programme may be suspended or terminated at any time at ZPG’s complete discretion. Any obligations arising in relation to pre-existing and accepted referrals would be honoured.
Any queries concerning the Zupp Property Group Leasing Referral Fee Programme or any other leasing matter may be directed to our enquiry line 1300 00 ZUPP or email any queries to enquiries@zuppproperty.com.au.